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Rats and mice vanish in just one minute without using poison or traps!


Written by Admin


If you have rats or mice in your house and want a safe way to get rid of them without using harmful chemicals, there are natural ways that can help keep these pests away fast and well. By using specific smells and substances that rodents dislike, you can make them leave without using poison or traps. Here is how you can do it.

Natural Ways to Keep Rats and Mice Away 1. Peppermint Oil Why It Works: Rats and mice have a very powerful sense of smell. They dislike the strong smell of peppermint oil. It makes it hard for them to move around and talk, causing them to leave the area.

Instructions for Use:

Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil.

Put the cotton balls in places where you have noticed rats, like close to where they come in, next to walls, and in corners.

Change the cotton balls every few days or when the smell goes away.

Outcome: In a few minutes, the powerful smell of peppermint oil will begin to drive away rats and mice, making them want to go away.

2. Cebollas
Why it is effective: Onions have a powerful smell that rats and mice cannot stand. The substances in onions that contain sulfur are very good at keeping these bugs from coming near.

How to Utilize:

Slice an onion and put the pieces in places where rats and mice might come in or hide.

Change the onion slices every few days because they dry up and lose their strength.

Outcome: The strong smell of onions will keep rats and mice away, and they will leave the place fast.

Cayenne pepper or crushed red pepper flakes.
Why it is effective: The substance in cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes called capsaicin is very irritating to rats and mice. When they touch it, it makes their noses, eyes, and skin irritated, so they have to go away.

How to Utilize:

Put cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes in places where rats and mice come in or move around.

Pay attention to cracks, small openings, and any places where things could get in.

Outcome: Cayenne pepper’s strong effect will swiftly scare off rats and mice, creating an unwelcoming space for them in your home.

4. Oil from cloves or entire cloves.
Why it is effective: Like peppermint, clove oil has a powerful spicy smell that rodents cannot stand. Whole cloves also work well because they have a strong smell.

How to Utilize:

Soak cotton balls in clove oil and put them in places around your home where rats and mice might be.

Instead, you can sprinkle whole cloves in those places.

Outcome: The powerful smell of clove oil or whole cloves will make rats and mice leave the area very quickly.

5. A chemical compound called ammonia.
Why It’s Effective: Ammonia smells like predator urine, which naturally frightens rodents. They see the smell as dangerous and will stay away from that place.



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