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Power strip: 9 devices that should never be plugged in (you risk a fire).



To lower the power strip’s maximum threshold, unplug one of its electrical gadgets. If not handled properly, it poses serious risks. Now we’ll take a look at everything that a power strip isn’t meant to power.
without a doubt among the most power-hungry home gadgets. It is very dangerous to connect it to a power strip regardless of how little you use it.

Avoid potentially fatal overheating by providing each user with their own wall outlet.

2. The cold storage unit

Then I am prepared to hear what you have to say. When compared to other home appliances, the refrigerator does not require the most power. We tell ourselves it’s good since it doesn’t use a lot of energy.

An extension cable will work just fine with it. No way! Keep in mind that the power strip is always receiving electricity from a refrigerator. The takeaway here is that you need an extension cable to power this kind of gadget. Okay, so I’m going to be discussing fridges, but this is also relevant to freezers.

Thirdly, the washer
The annual energy consumption of a washing machine is about 1,150 kWh. Because of how much power it consumes, it is obviously not a good choice for a power strip.

To prevent the extension cable from overheating or short circuiting, plug the washing machine into an electrical outlet. The case is also true for clothes dryers. Their power consumption is excessive for them to be left plugged into a power strip.

4. Supplementary heat

supplementary heating gadget that consumes energy. Please be sure to connect it into an electrical outlet while using it; nevertheless, I am not suggesting that you do not. You should never use it with an extension cable; doing so will cause the power strip to overflow extremely fast.

Fifthly, microwaves

You would never guess that this small metal box uses zero energy. On average, a microwave may use 70 kWh in a year. Look, it’s not insignificant. So, don’t use an extension cable to connect it.



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