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Lemon and orange peels: Valuable finds in your kitchen


Written by Admin


To live sustainably and manage your home efficiently, it’s important to discover the unused possibilities of common items. Lemon and orange peels, usually thrown away, have great cleaning abilities when mixed with vinegar. This clever mixture not only helps reduce waste but also turns into a versatile cleaning product that is as good as store-bought ones. Let’s see how these citrus peels, when combined with vinegar, can be very useful for cleaning.

Using the Cleaning Power of Citrus

Lemon and orange peels have a lot of natural oils and acids that make them strong helpers in fighting against dirt, grime, and bad smells. The acid in them helps remove grease and stains, and their fresh smell leaves a clean and energizing scent. By adding citrus peels to vinegar, you create a natural cleaning product that works well and is good for the environment.

Making vinegar with citrus fruits.

List of ingredients:

Lemon and orange peels (to fill a glass jar)

Vinegar made from white wine.


Get the peels ready: After eating the citrus fruits, gather the peels and wash them well to get rid of any leftover bits.

Fill the jar halfway with citrus peels in a clean glass jar.

Add vinegar: Pour white vinegar over the citrus peels until they are completely covered. Close the jar firmly with a lid.

To make the infusion, keep the jar in a cool and dark spot for approximately two weeks. This will help the vinegar soak up the oils and acids from the citrus peels.

Filter the mixture: Once the citrus has infused the vinegar, pour the liquid through a strainer into a new container, removing the peels.

If the smell of vinegar is too strong, you can mix it with water to make it less intense.

Cleaning with vinegar made from citrus fruits.

All-Purpose Cleaner: Use the vinegar with citrus to clean different surfaces like countertops, sinks, appliances, and more. Its natural sourness helps break down dirt and grime, making surfaces very clean and shiny.

Deodorizer: The fresh smell of citrus helps get rid of bad smells, making it perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, and other parts of the house.

Grease Remover: The sourness of vinegar with added citrus can easily cut through grease and tough stains, making it a useful cleaner for many different jobs.

Adopting Eco-Friendly Cleaning Methods

By using lemon and orange peels to make a vinegar cleaner with a citrus scent, you can decrease waste and support a healthier, more eco-friendly way of living. Use natural cleaning products to keep your home smelling fresh, clean, and safe from harmful chemicals. Use lemon and orange peels with vinegar to help you clean your home in a more natural way.



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