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8 effective tips to degrease very dirty ovens and make them like new



Some stubborn pieces may remain embedded and refuse to come off when cleaning. Luckily, you don’t need to strain your arm to get them off. The tip: coarse salt and baking soda, one tablespoon for the first and half this dose for the second. Once your two ingredients are mixed, add a little warm water to a bowl until you have a paste. Apply the latter to the dirt and leave to act for an hour. Then, with a sponge soaked in water, gently scrub the walls. Paste and residue will come off very easily.
4.White vinegar

It’s a foolproof tip that can be used throughout the house. To apply it, dilute half a glass of white vinegar with a liter of water and pour the solution into a bottle fitted with a spray. Then spray the mixture inside the oven, paying particular attention to heavily soiled areas. Leave on for 5 minutes, then wipe the walls with a damp sponge. You will find an oven that is cleaner and brighter than ever. 5.Clay stone If the residues and traces are particularly tough, you can use clay stone, a remarkable degreaser for your oven. To do this, start by rubbing a sponge on the clay stone, then pass it over the walls of the device. Once this operation is completed, lightly dampen a microfiber cloth and then clean the interior of the oven again.
To clean the grills:

7.Marseille soap

Marseille soap is a good alternative to white vinegar and baking soda. To benefit from its softening properties, simply mix it with water, then dip a sponge in this solution before scrubbing the grills. You can also use a dish brush for optimal cleaning.
To clean the oven door:
8.Heat and Baking Soda

Generally equipped with double glass, the oven door is one of the areas that gets dirty the most easily and it is also one of the first things you notice when you enter the kitchen! Fortunately, there is a natural trick to remedy this. To start, heat the oven for a few minutes to 40-50° C. Once the inside has reached this temperature, turn it off and wait a few minutes. Then, open the door and spread on it a paste formed by a tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of water. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, then remove using a sponge soaked in lukewarm water. Result: clean and shiny glass as if your oven was brand new!



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